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PEP server MediaSputnik 2402 series
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PEP server MediaSputnik 2402 has been developed by MediaSputnik as I-PEP compatible server compliant with SatLabs Group (ESA) recommendations to support DVB-RCS standards and networks. I-PEP server increases data transmitting efficiency in satellite networks, raises efficiency of business processes and solutions for operators, users of corporate and commercial networks.

PEP server MediaSputnik 2402 is a part of multi-service satellite platform MediaSputnik 2000 series. It is used to provide effective high-speed transmitting over satellite tracts. PEP server represented as standardized analogue of world-known TCP/HTTP accelerators. It is able to use server independent from satellite networks in central and subscribers earth stations of satellite communications.

Standardized SCPS-TP protocol acquires a reputation of well-known transporting protocol developed earlier by the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems and NASA to support data transmitting between satellites. Changing protocols from TCP to SCPS-TP occurs in a real-time mode on the output of PEP server satellite tract. And on subscriber's side PEP server changes protocol from SCPS-TP to TCP. Integrated traffic analysing facilities optimize used satellite resources by data-losses compensation that happen through natural network latency and pulsed noise in satellite tract.

  »  Application
  • Multi-service satellite TriplePlay and DVB-RCS networks
  • Departmental and corporate networks with multilevel structure
  • Mobile satellite transmission facilities
  • Remote education and telemedicine
  »  Performance specification

SNACK – Selective Negative Acknowledgment (intellectual quick engine signalization of line losses)

SACK – Selective Acknowledgement (effective estimation algorithm of transmitted packets)

Header compression – decreasing amount of service data-packets transmitted on the transport-protocol level

Window scaling – maximized useful satellite channel charging by scaling window of data transmitting

Correction and control of data transfer speed for a satellite channel full-loading

Effective link using at planned changes of throughput

Setup routing and matching settings of PEP server and subscribers at a link-up time

  »  Main functions

PEP server performance Supporting up to 10000 simultaneous connections in the uplink
Data transfer rate using SCPS-TP 45Mbps
Overload control algorithms Congestion control and others
Supporting traditional algorithm for the reference packet time estimation New Reno
Supporting modified algorithms for the reference packet time estimation and frequency losses to calculate optimal data transfer window scale in current session Hybla, Vegas, Bic
Interfaces 2x10/100Base-TX
Management Web and SNMP

  »  Operating Specifications

Set Top Box (WHD) 168mm x 130mm x 54mm
Operating temperature 10-50 grad C


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